Career club advantages

Open the door to new opportunities with Networkio! By joining our career club, you gain unlimited access to all training materials, video courses, and weekly meetings. Weekly meetings are aimed at improving English language skills and acquiring the necessary skills for a successful job search abroad in 2024.


Perfect for Relocation


Up to 1000 job vacancies monthly with salaries up to $400,000/year


Motivating Community of like-minded individuals


Unique AI tools based on ChatGPT 4


From crafting top resumes to career in your dream location


Perfect for Relocation


Up to 1000 job vacancies monthly with salaries up to $400,000/year


Motivating Community of like-minded individuals


Unique AI tools based on ChatGPT 4


From crafting top resumes to career in your dream location


Perfect for Relocation


Up to 1000 job vacancies monthly with salaries up to $400,000/year


Motivating Community of like-minded individuals


Unique AI tools based on ChatGPT 4


From crafting top resumes to career in your dream location

Join the club

Networkio opens new opportunities – build your life anywhere you want

Get access to a platform with valuable
career resources, fresh international
vacancies at reputable companies and increase your income and quality of life.
Here, you will be assisted in:
Creating an effective LinkedIn profile
Perfecting your CV and Cover Letters
Prepare for interviews and relocation
Securing the best offers by practicing negotation skills
Expand your professional skills and knowledge
Build a successful international career,
our platform features job openings from industry leading companies,
useful articles and courses, referral contacts
and an encouraging like-minded community.
Get access to a platform with valuable
career resources, fresh international
vacancies at reputable companies and increase your income and quality of life.
Here, you will be assisted in:
Creating an effective LinkedIn profile
Perfecting your CV and Cover Letters
Prepare for interviews and relocation
Securing the best offers by practicing negotation skills
Expand your professional skills and knowledge
Get access to a platform with valuable
career resources, fresh international
vacancies at reputable companies and increase your income and quality of life.
Here, you will be assisted in:
Creating an effective LinkedIn profile
Perfecting your CV and Cover Letters
Prepare for interviews and relocation
Securing the best offers by practicing negotation skills
Expand your professional skills and knowledge

Some of our materials are available to all users, to gain access to our full range of resources and community support - check our club subscription.

Job vacancies in leading companies across 35 different fields

We manually handpick and add up to 200 new job opportunities with direct employer contacts every week, interested in international employees from various fields: IT, marketing, business, sales, management, etc.

Join the club

3 Training programs with updated video lessons

Gain access to educational courses that can accelerate and simplify your journey to landing your dream job abroad.

The courses are constantly refined, improved, and updated. We share the most valuable – knowledge and experience.

Join the club

Join a professional network with like-minded people

Community members will help solve professional tasks and prepare thoroughly for relocation. Connect to:

Gain experience from those who have already navigated the path of employment abroad
Overcome fears regarding age, English proficiency, and other doubts
Use referral contacts to gain more interview invites
Exchange knowledge and gain valuable insights for your upcoming relocation
Get useful tips on moving, visa processing, citizenship through naturalization and other matters

Connect to weekly English club meetings and masterminds for productive networking

Educational materials and video lessons to help you ace your next interview


Educational materials and video lessons to help you ace your next interview

  • Examples of successful resumes that attract the attention of HR managers and employers.

  • Portfolio presentation templates that showcase your achievements effectively.

  • Articles and books on case interview preparation, revealing all the 'pitfalls'.

  • A database of interview questions with comments and recommendations.

A comprehensive database of useful materials for those aiming to build a successful career abroad in a timely manner.

Join the club

Optimized LinkedIn Profile, career portfolio, and other opportunities

Take advantage of individual services from Networkio experts,
make the first step towards your dream job :

CV Writing

We will help you create a flawless resume that highlights your strengths and relevant experience. We take into account requirements and nuances for CVs depending on the country of application.

Perfect LinkedIn Profile

We will bring your LinkedIn profile to perfection. The service includes a face-to-face consultation with an expert, during which you will learn all the nuances of working with LinkedIn, including job searching and networking.

Mock Interview (Practice Interview in English)

We will teach you how to demonstrate your strengths and confidently answer any interviewer's questions in an interview (English/Russian). The session lasts 1 hour and includes preparation based on Networkio materials.

CV/Cover Letter Editing

We will provide expert feedback on your CV/Cover Letter, fixing all imperfections and inaccuracies.

Career Package: CV + Cover + LinkedIn

We will create flawless CVs and Cover Letters and tidy up your LinkedIn profile. The service includes a face-to-face consultation on working with LinkedIn.

Individual Job Selection

We will promptly select 20 vacancies and 5 company reachout strategies that suit you based on your resume, skills, and preferences

Cover Letter Writing

We will create a clear and concise cover letter. Convincing HR that you are the ideal candidate for the position.


Consultation with a Networkio career expert on any career-related questions. The consultation is conducted by a seasoned career advisor with personal experience in career relocation and extensive interviewing experience.

Career Chat

As part of the service, you get access to daily chat support from a career advisor, where we consult, provide current advice, and answer an unlimited number of questions in the field of career. Chat support is available for 1/3/6 months.

Career Portfolio

A flawlessly presented showcase of your key career achievements. Ideal for inclusion in your LinkedIn profile.

Go to services

Successful relocation and a multiple increase in your income

Join the club for career growth abroad and use Networkio to:


Get a job that matches your goals, be it WLB, compensation or something else.


Acquire new knowledge, skills, and competencies.


Increase your income and quality of life in all aspects.


Build your professional network and start leveraging those connections.

We measure our platform's success by hundreds of specialists who secured generous relocation offers from international companies

Networkio — Career advisors with hands-on experience building international careers

We started our project to help international specialists successfully find jobs worldwide and build an impressive careers. Our impact in numbers:


individual consultations daily


successful client cases in 2023


positive feedback and inspiring stories


registered users


individual consultations daily


successful client cases in 2023


positive feedback and inspiring stories


registered users


individual consultations daily


successful client cases in 2023


positive feedback and inspiring stories


registered users

Networkio founders rely on years of market research and personal experience of immigration and employment in other countries. We share our knowledge on how to maximize your earning potential based on your unique abilities and experience, developing your career to the next level.

Ekaterina Li

Ekaterina Li

Graduate of the Faculty of International Economic Relations at MGIMO and HEC Paris Business School in France. Worked in leading marketing companies in Russia, Singapore, and Germany.

Valeria Abramenkova

Valeria Abramenkova

Graduate of the Faculty of International Economic Relations at MGIMO. Valeria is a serial enterprenuer with multiple startups under her belt, she studied and worked in Norway, and now lives in Georgia.

Working methods, rich knowledgebase, recurring club meetings, referral contacts, and practice-oriented content

Some of our platforms benefits:


Value in every word

There are no random or unnecessary details here — 100% of our resources are geared towards results, we share the knowledge of our staff, founders and clients without gatekeeping.


Boost your interview skills

We have multiple resources to help you with interview preparation, you'll also get the chance to prepare on our weekly meetings and through interview coach AI, we focus on your success.


Boost your interview skills

We have multiple resources to help you with interview preparation, you'll also get the chance to prepare on our weekly meetings and through interview coach AI, we focus on your success.


Boost your interview skills

We have multiple resources to help you with interview preparation, you'll also get the chance to prepare on our weekly meetings and through interview coach AI, we focus on your success.


Value in every word

There are no random or unnecessary details here — 100% of our resources are geared towards results, we share the knowledge of our staff, founders and clients without gatekeeping.


Boost your interview skills

We have multiple resources to help you with interview preparation, you'll also get the chance to prepare on our weekly meetings and through interview coach AI, we focus on your success.


Boost your interview skills

We have multiple resources to help you with interview preparation, you'll also get the chance to prepare on our weekly meetings and through interview coach AI, we focus on your success.


Boost your interview skills

We have multiple resources to help you with interview preparation, you'll also get the chance to prepare on our weekly meetings and through interview coach AI, we focus on your success.

Take the first step towards an international career

Become a Networkio club member and confidently build your future abroad

Where Networkio club members work

Appreciate the scale and join those who are getting hired by major global companies.

I want the same

Registration, subscription cost, and other questions

In recent years, we have faced many challenges: the pandemic, cost of living crisis, military conflicts - in these conditions, specialists need to quickly adapt and find new career opportunities.

We created our platform to help international specialists successfully overcome any obstacles, believe in themselves, find jobs worldwide, and build successfull careers. We believe in your talents and see our mission in helping you create and sieze exciting opportunities. In these turbulent times, it's important to remember that life goes on and every day there are hundreds of opportunities to change our lives for the better.

Our platform is the result of several years of market research, thousands of career consultations, and the lessons we learnt from our clients success stories.

  • Job search: We publish new job opportunities on daily basis, focusing on vacancies that welcome international candidates across all fields, including marketing, finance, HR, sales, customer success, consulting, tech and more.
  • Courses and career resources: Expert materials created by the Networkio team. Our articles, videos, and training materials will support you at every stage of your career path: from CV creation to interview preparation and reviewing your contract for pitfalls.
  • Individual Services: Here you can order personal support from a Networkio career advisor, who can assess your resume or help create it from scratch, provide you with a career consultation, or prepare you for an interview in English.
  • AI Tools, developed using the most advanced ChatGPT 4 technology: Prepare for interviews, write cover letters, and work on key achievements for your resume with the help of artificial intelligence.
  • Forum and private Telegram chats for club members: Communicate with like-minded people, find partners for interview preparation, and make friends.
  • Expert Sessions: Participate in expert sessions from Networkio founders and invited experts. Join masterminds, english club, and relocation sessions. Events are available to all club members without restrictions.

Our platform is suitable for everyone who:

  • Is seeking a job abroad or wants to work remotely
  • Aims to get a visa and move abroad
  • Wishes to requalify or gain international experience
  • Wants to find a higher paid job
  • Desires to develop an international career but has doubts about their age, english language proficiency or technical skills

We intentionally set the price very low because we want our knowledge to be accessible to as many people as possible. This is a one-stop solution – you will learn how to prepare your profile for job search, write your resume, pass interviews, and find hundreds of vacancies in different corners of the world.

Access to materials depends on the level of subscription.

We have 3 levels of subscription:

  • Unregistered users have access to a small part of our articles and vacancies
  • Registered users gain access to an extended selection and a mailing list with vacancies tailored to your preferences
  • Paid subscription – you get unlimited access to everything: vacancies, regularly updated career resources (articles, videos with experts, and training materials), and career club meetings. You can also cancel the subscription at any time and keep your access till the end of the currently paid period.

Networkio – our founders and our hired team of professionals went through the path of immigration to Italy, Germany, Norway, Singapore and the UK, and know everything about job search, career building abroad, and moving to other countries.

Networkio founders – Anton and Kate, a Facebook programmer and digital marketer, moved to Germany in 2021 and to the UK in 2022.

For more details, visit our instagram page: {instagram}

Freedom of self-realization from 19.9 $

We offer 2 tariff options:


12 months subscription

18000 ₽


199 $


1 month subscription

1800 ₽


19.9 $


Our discounted annual tariff offers the best value for money, grab this limited offer and get ready for your international career.

"Just found a job in London after 3 years of maternity leave!" – just one of our club member experiences using Networkio


Aysuu Deleg

Customer Success Manager

Thanks to Networkio, I defied the odds and landed a job as a Customer Success Manager at GoFluent in Italy! I once thought relocating for a job in Italy was impossible, but with their guidance and support, it became a reality. I'm grateful for the opportunities they've helped me unlock.

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Mariia Zemtsova

Research Engineer

Thanks to Networkio's unwavering support, I turned my dream of staying in Spain into a reality. With their assistance, I secured a fulfilling job in Spain and am now working at aBarcelona Supercomputing Center! I'm grateful for Networkio's invaluable assistance in making my dream come true.

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Aida Makarova

2D Animator

Under Kate's mentorship, my LinkedIn brand flourished. With her guidance, I honed my profile to showcase my skills as an animator, which led to securing several gigs in the field. Encouraged by Kate, I began writing engaging posts on LinkedIn, resulting in a substantial following of over 1000 subscribers. I'm immensely grateful for Kate's expertise and support in helping me achieve professional success on LinkedIn.

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Sergey Vasilev

Senior Data Analyst

After just a week of revamping my LinkedIn profile with Networkio, I received my first outreach from a recruiter in Dubai. I couldn't believe how quickly it worked! Networkio's expertise in optimizing LinkedIn profiles truly made all the difference in attracting attention from recruiters. I'm thrilled with the results and grateful for their support.

Read more

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